To Dear Mrs. Maria Handerson from Rev. Yoshihiko Katsuura

I was a public high school teacher in Yokohama Japan for 30 years.

But I quit my job to share Gospel to poor country Philippine.

I start a church in Cebu first, later I made a church in Davao.

Now I came back to Japan, I am a Senior Pastor New Life Church International, this church donated by Nigerian missionary.

Cebu Mission pictures.

Entrance of JCCMI.

J Centre Mall in Cebu.

Davao Mission.
 Davao City Jail Mission.

 With famous christian boxer Manny Pacquiao.
 2 Foor Garden Chapel

Inside Davao City Jail, We pray for them.

You can see more my mission by this YouTube↓Click 


 勝浦儀彦 ←Google で検索すると、私の活動がわかりますね。

私 勝浦儀彦 元横浜市立高校教諭は、精神病患者でした。しかし、主イエス様が、癒してくださり、職場高校に奇跡的に復帰できました!イエスキリストは、2020年にも、生きて働いておられます。「イエス様、祈りに応えてください!」と祈ってみてください❤️

The Final Sign of second coming of Jesus! Youtube-------!