Warning to micro chip, and We expect Jesus come!
This is From Millet.
9 耳のある者は、聞くがよい。
10 とりこになるべき者は、とりこになっていく。つるぎで殺す者は、自らもつるぎで殺されねばならない。ここに、聖徒たちの忍耐と信仰とがある。
11 わたしはまた、ほかの獣が地から上って来るのを見た。それには小羊のような角が二つあって、龍のように物を言った。
12 そして、先の獣の持つすべての権力をその前で働かせた。また、地と地に住む人々に、致命的な傷がいやされた先の獣を拝ませた。
13 また、大いなるしるしを行って、人々の前で火を天から地に降らせることさえした。
14 さらに、先の獣の前で行うのを許されたしるしで、地に住む人々を惑わし、かつ、つるぎの傷を受けてもなお生きている先の獣の像を造ることを、地に住む人々に命じた。
15 それから、その獣の像に息を吹き込んで、その獣の像が物を言うことさえできるようにし、また、その獣の像を拝まない者をみな殺させた。
16 また、小さき者にも、大いなる者にも、富める者にも、貧しき者にも、自由人にも、奴隷にも、すべての人々に、その右の手あるいは額に刻印を押させ、
17 この刻印のない者はみな、物を買うことも売ることもできないようにした。この刻印は、その獣の名、または、その名の数字のことである。
18 ここに、知恵が必要である。思慮のある者は、獣の数字を解くがよい。その数字とは、人間をさすものである。そして、その数字は六百六十六である。
Gospel has been preached almost everywhere.
All the prophecies have been fulfilled.
Angels physically seen and captured on camera @ Dansoman also gives a 'sign'.
The devil is working very hard to occupy Christians with the things of this world so that the day will catch them unawares. Please be prepared.
Use the advantage of this free sms to send this message to at least all ur contacts.
Do not ignore.
This is also a source of evangelism. Souls are dying.
GOD bless you!Let’s Pray Hard: 6 6 6 The Mark of The Beast Prophesy Finally Fulfilled… as Written By: Jonathan Annabel.
The US Senate has passed the Obama Health Bill into law.
The implementation would commence soon. This bill would require all Americans to be implanted with a Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) chip in order to access medical care. The device will be implanted on the forehead or on the arm. This is to fulfill the prophesy in the Book of Revelation 13: 15-18 concerning the MARK OF THE BEAST. Are you still doubting the END TIME? Do U know that the special car which was made for Obama is known as the BEAST? Get READY.
The rapture is near!
Revelations 13 is being played out right before us.
Many are still unaware. Why is the chip being implanted exactly where the Bible says it would be?
Why on the hand and forehead. Why not anywhere else?
Why is it being connected to your bank account? Remember the Bible says you won't be able to buy or sell without the mark 6 6 6. And guess what!
The chip is connected to your financial details.
What breaks my heart the most is that many people in the Church will not make it if JESUS comes now?
Many are unaware that the end is near.
Don’t tell me that it's advancement in technology or development. If any area of your life is not in sync with GOD’s word, repent and be converted. If you miss heaven you can never miss hell….. think about it. Hell is not a pretty place. The worst part is that it is for eternity… He who has ears, let him hear what the Spirit says to the church. Please rather than post and forward senseless messages. Send this one to everyone you know. Do the work of an Evangelist. PLEASE SHARE THIS MESSAGE WITH ALL YOUR CONTACTS. Have you ever wondered what should have happened if we treat the Holy Bible the way we treat our mobile phone? And we really can’t live without it. Only 7% percent will re-send this message. Don’t be of the 93% who will not share the message. Satan said. “I wonder how humans claim to LOVE GOD and disobey HIM, and claim they hate me yet they obey me” Do not send later. Share and send now.
May Almighty GOD grant success to everyone who reads and sends this message. Tomorrow may be too late. Stay blessed.