666 is here! Pay attention!
666 is here already. Let’s Pray Hard: 6 6 6 The Mark Of The Beast Prophesy Finally Fulfilled… The US Senate has passed the Obama Health Bill into law. The implementation would commence soon. This bill would require all Americans to be implanted with a Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) chip in order to access medical care. The device will be implemented on the forehead or on the arm. This is to fulfill the prophesy in the Book of Revelation 13:15-18 concerning the MARK OF THE BEAST. Are you still doubting the END TIME? Do u know that the special car which was made for Obama is known as the BEAST? Get READY. The rapture is near! Revelations 13 is being played out right before us. Many are still unaware. 1. Why is the chip being implanted exactly where the Bible says it would be. Why On the hand and forehead. Why not anywhere else? 2. Why is being connected to your bank account? Remember the Bible says you won't be able to buy or sell without the mark 6 6 6. And g...